Nick runs America

Nick Ashill, PFT Life Vice Chairman, is returning to finish an epic run across the United States on 30th May 2022 – after he was critically injured and left paralysed in a ‘hit and run’ while attempting the original feat back in 2017.

Nick will pick up the run at the exact spot, in Ohio, where a truck hit him and left him for dead, after he had already completed a whopping 2,480 miles (81 days) of his ultramarathon challenge.

After multiple surgeries and years of rehabilitation, he will now run the remaining 1200 miles, across three states, joined at the start line by the US surgeons who saved his life.

Nick is aiming to complete this incredible challenge to increase awareness of pulmonary fibrosis (PF), which took his mum’s life.

It has been a challenging four years, with lots of setbacks from surgeries, post-traumatic stress disorder and depression – but I have never given up hope.  I am excited about raising awareness of this devastating disease and completing this life ambition in tribute to my mum


Watch a few short videos from Nick: